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Red Carpet Luxury Spa offers advanced services like eyebrow, eyeliner, and lip tattoos, enhancing natural beauty with precision and care.

Permanent Makeup: Our Expertise


We specialize in permanent makeup procedures that are tailored to your unique style and preferences.


💄Whether you're looking for perfectly shaped eyebrows, defined lips, or a subtle eyeliner, we are here to bring your vision to life.


💄Our passion for beauty and precision ensures that you'll leave our spa feeling Red-Carpet Ready every day.

Permanent Makeup clinic Nanuet NY

How to choose a color?

We choose a contrasting color from your skin's undertone that becomes true to color after a few weeks.

Why do we need touch-ups?

Pigment is lost as the color settles into the skin and with the skin shedding cycle. Touchups are essential to preserve color and ensure optimal results.

Why do dark lips need more color applications?

Achieving the desired color on dark lips involves applying a contrasting color first, followed by the desired color, requiring multiple appointments.

Can I tint my brows before my appointment?

You can tint your brows up to three days before your permanent makeup appointment, but wait two weeks afterward to prevent infection.

How long does it last?

Durability: eyebrows last 1-2 years, eyeliner 3-5 years, lip color 2-3 years, with suggested touch-ups. Regular touch-up sessions are recommended to maintain the look.

Will it look natural?

Professionals use permanent makeup to subtly enhance beauty by selecting colors and shapes that naturally complement your features.

Does permanent makeup contain chemicals??

Tattoo inks contain safe chemicals approved for skin use by regulatory agencies and are harmless when applied by professionals.

Can i get an x ray with permanent makeup?

Permanent makeup inks do not pose any safety risks during an X-ray.

What to expect after your appointment?

Expect the color to appear darker than desired results and possibly have mild swelling which subsides quickly

What is Permanent Makeup?

Permanent makeup is a semi-permanent makeup tattoo for brows, eyeliner, and lips.

Do I need to shave my eyebrows?

No. Existing hair is to be preserved and remain in place.

I am a cancer survivor, can I get permanent makeup?

Yes. Cancer survivors may get permanent makeup. However, if currently undergoing therapies it is not advised. 

Can I get permanent makeup if I am pregnant?

It's recommended to refrain from getting tattoos or permanent during pregnancy, although a doctor's approval is acceptable.

Can microblading be taken off?

Yes, Saline removal safely lightens or removes microblading and permanent makeup by using osmosis to lift pigment from the skin.

What if I had previous permanent makeup?

We do not take on clients with prior permanent unless it is light enough to work over effectively. If not, saline removal may be a viable.

Is tattoo ink safe?

Tattoo and permanent makeup ink is safe when it is sourced from reputable manufacturers that adhere to safety regulations.

Does the ink enter the blood stream?

While small traces of ink components can be detected, there's no evidence  that this poses any significant risk to your overall health.

What are contraindications?

See full list of contraindications.

Does it hurt?

We offer topical numbing to reduce discomfort. You may bring headphones to listen to music during the session.

Who is permanent makeup good for?

Permanent makeup is time-saving, ideal for those with makeup allergies, simplifies application, and improves sparse eyebrows.

How long is the appointment?

Appointments are scheduled for 2 hours, with touch-ups recommended and scheduled as needed.

Is permanent makeup a tattoo?

Yes, permanent makeup is a form of cosmetic tattooing, applied more delicately than traditional tattoos and fading over time.

Does the ink enter the blood stream?

Small amounts of ink components can enter the bloodstream after tattooing, but there is no evidence of significant harm to overall health.

What if I like to wear my own makeup?

Traditional makeup can be applied ten days post-procedure for various looks.

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